In the tv show, My Strange Addiction, there have been a few episodes based on the "living doll" lifestyle. They consider the living doll lifestyle to be where a person tries to be like a doll. These people will generally emphasize their makeup looks, wear colored contacts or evem circle lenses (contact lenses with a larger diameter), wear doll-like clothing, and may alter their body shape. But, in the show, they talk about how these people are "addicted" to "being dolls" and that they "cannot stop", but in reality, it is their own choice of how to dress and look, and they can change it if they choose to, and are not addicted! They can change as they please and can do what they want!
Another thing I want to point out is that social media, and tv shows have linked lolita fashion to the living doll style, but in reality, they are two different styles all together.
While the living doll movement is based on looking and dressing like a modern doll, lolita style is based upon Victorian styled, 1800's clothing and fashion.
Another thing I would like to point out, is it even possible to be addicted to dressing a certain way? I mean, in a non-serious way, I think every girl that is into fashion and has her own style is "addicted to how she dresses, but I fail to recognize how it is possible to be literally, addicted to dressing a certain way. Wearing certain clothes is not like smoking a cigarette or drinking alcohol. It also DOES NOT go along with the tv show, My Strange Addiction" at all! The popular tv show portrays people who are addicted to drinking paint, for example, or eating chalk. Wearing clothing is a necessity (unless it is legal to be naked in public where you are, I would not know) and people should be able to wear whatever type of clothing they want and should definitely NOT be judged by it.
The following photo is of lolita girls. Many girls and boys in (mainly Harajuku,) Japan style themselves with lolita fashion. This style is not insulated or looked upon in bad light. Lolita fashion is looked upon as adorable and fashionable.
The next picture is of one of my favorite youtubers, Venus Angelic. She considers herself a living doll but reflects lolita fashion as well. She is known by many as an inspiration and has over 100 thousand youtube subscribers.
The last photo is of two "living dolls". Although their makeup and contact lenses may seem a bit extravagant or overdone, other than their looks, and their seemingly "perfect" bodies, they are exactly as you and me. Many of them are youtubers and try to show the living doll movement in a good light.
Overall, these people are just like you and me. They walk, talk, eat, sleep, the same way we do. The only difference is their looks. But then again, doesn't everyone look different? And don't our parents tell us not to judge a book by its cover? Or how about a doll by its plaster??