Every high schooler knows that if there were a book to tell you how to get through high school without stress, while maintaining straight-As, a close group of friends, and somehow, a neutral mental state, we'd all use it. But even though there can't be a walkthrough, we luckily have Jessica Holsman, author of The High School Survival Guide.
Holsman refers to her book as "your roadmap to: studying, socializing, succeeding" and thats exactly what I would call it. This book gives amazing tips for getting through high school, and (surprisingly) isn't boring! This book is filled with worksheets, motivational cut-outs, outlines, and jokes--lots of them!
This book is a must-read for any high-schooler who is looking for a positive push towards a strong school year. I read this book the summer before my junior year of high school and I can say with complete honestly that I feel more prepared for this year.
As many students, I had a rocky start last year. As well as a rocky middle and end. My grades were not good, and neither was my attendance. I skipped some classes and even almost failed one. But not because I didn't put in the effort, but because I didn't know how to stay strong in school. I just tried to do what I had always done, which didn't work out too well. If I had this book, maybe I wouldn't have done so poorly. This book could've possibly turned around my negative view of school and helped me to make friends, stay committed, and realize how important it is to study and take control of my grades.
To be completely honest, every 179 pages of this book had something useful for me to learn. Of course, some of the things I had known already, but repetition is good for memory. I think this was a great book to read and think every student should consider it, high-schooler or not.
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